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No New Posts Union Cave & Route 33

A cave outside of Azalea town. The cave is filled with ponds throughout it. The multilevel cave is one that if you were to explore it'd be easy to get lost, luckily the entrance is fairly close to the exit. If you do feel prone to exploring watch out, for the cave is devoid of light and it's easy to accidentally fall into a pond.

1 1 Union Cave's Pokemon
by Akand
Mar 27, 2009 19:10:27 GMT -7
No New Posts Tournament Registration Center

This is one of three centers that trainers are able to register at to join the series of tournaments hosted by Excel Corp. The building is large and extremely modern, the interior has many chairs and couches in the lobby for those waiting to use and a register at the back end of the lobby in which trainers can use to register.

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No New Posts Ilex Forest - 1 Viewing

Ilex forest is an ancient forest outside of Azalea to the northwest. The forest is rather thick, and most it would be impossible to explore due to the close trees, but there is a small path that leads straight out of it.

Inside is a small shrine that many of the locals say is the home of a powerful and benign pokemon. Many legends surround the shrine, but few know if there is anything to them. Despite the lack of evidence the older Johto citizens still believe in the deity.

1 1 Ilex Forest's Pokemon
by Akand
Mar 27, 2009 19:17:50 GMT -7

Azalea Town

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Pokemon RPGs: Quests? RESPONSE REQUIRED!
Cyprus Riverson 0 469 by Cyprus Riverson
May 22, 2009 23:56:19 GMT -7
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newBookmarkLockedFalling Suggestion Board
Akand 0 351 by Akand
Apr 16, 2009 15:58:46 GMT -7
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newBookmarkLockedFalling Updated rules section and Pokémon capture
Tora 0 316 by Tora
Apr 12, 2009 0:40:02 GMT -7
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newPollBookmarkLockedFalling Halfway Harbor's use.
Akand 3 365 by Akand
Apr 6, 2009 17:59:32 GMT -7
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newBookmarkLockedFalling Azelea Town Pokémart
Tora 1 280 by Tora
Mar 28, 2009 9:00:26 GMT -7


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Azalea Town
The town often called Slowpoke Sanctuary due to the massive amount of wild slowpoke that infest the town. Beyond the slowpoke oddity Azalea is home to the Hive badge, and a family business that makes specialized pokeballs.
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